Family Constellations
It is a systemic therapeutic intervention, created by Bert Hellinger, that reveals to us, through solution images, what family matters we are involved in, and how to free ourselves to go to our personal destiny. It works directly with the unconscious.
Many of the psychological problems that affect us all come from our history and our family relationship. Family constellations quickly bring to light the dynamics that cause suffering and, if the right circumstances arise, correct them at the same time.
With family constellations we can free ourselves from those beliefs, thoughts, and emotions that do not allow us to live fully, that we repeat frequently, and that we do not know how to change with successful results.
We have the specialized psychologist Eloisa Álvarez Centeno. At the beginning of the workshop, she will explain how dynamics work and be the one to guide and structure the work to be done. It is a group work, when working on a member's topic, at the same time everyone can benefit from it. It is not necessary to have knowledge of family constellations to be able to attend. The way of working is orderly and at the same time experiential and creative.
Themes to constellate
We summarize here a whole series of topics that we can deal with with a constellation:
• Couple conflicts, current or previous.
• Problems with children.
• Difficulties in family relationships.
• Exclusion and problems of social relations.
• Addictions.
• Orientation in vital moments of change (change of residence, profession, partner…).
• Resources for dealing with illness.
• Fertility problems. Adoptions.
• Personal growth.
• Difficult Destinies: Premature Deaths, Abortions…
• Childhood traumas.
• Feeling we have 'Run out of gas' emotionally.
• Self-confidence. Adaptation to new situations (retirement, separation, unemployment…).
• Guidance and advice at professional level and projects.
• Depression, sadness, melancholy, with or without apparent cause.
By Elisa Álvarez Centeno. Psychologist col. nº 6708. Trained in Integrative Psychotherapy in the SAT Program with Claudio Naranjo. Master in Humanistic Integrative Psychotherapy. Five-year training in IIBA Bioenergetic Analysis (International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis). Specializing in psycho-corporeal techniques. Teacher in PNLI. Trainer of psychotherapists since 1998. Former of Integrative Family Constellations. Formed and initiated in ancestral traditions. FEAP psychotherapist.
Eight hours worksho. Monthly.
Confirm attendance by phone or whatsapp 613.146.006
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